Riding The Wind And Breaking The Waves, The “2023 Exploring WEB3.0 Summit


The “2023 Exploring WEB3.0 Summit – Vietnam Station,” hosted by SureX at the CHAMPA ISLAND NHA TRANG–RESORT HOTEL & SPA in Vietnam, has drawn to a triumphant and resplendent conclusion.


Representing the cutting edge of emerging technologies today, Web3.0 is gradually transforming the way people live and work, igniting a new wave of revolution in the digital world. In this era of digitalization, how can Web3.0 technology be leveraged to confer greater benefits upon society? What are the trends in development and the application scenarios for Web3.0 technology? How can traditional centralized management be dismantled to achieve the decentralization of data and the secure exchange of digital assets?


The summit, focused on cutting-edge technological concepts such as Web3.0 and DAO, assembled nearly 1000 global influencers including crypto teams, expert scholars, academic institutions, investment research bodies, corporate executives, crypto investment enthusiasts, practitioners, and other Web3.0 builders. They engaged in thoughtful discussions and explorations of these pressing issues.


In addition to the main agenda, the “2023 Exploring WEB3.0 Summit – Vietnam Station” included a series of additional offerings for its distinguished guests, such as tours, cocktail receptions, and specialty banquets. On July 25th, under the guidance of the ground services staff, all members sequentially checked into the Havana Hotel, located in Nha Trang, Vietnam.


The summit officially commenced at 15:30 on July 28th, 2023, and the vibrant “Butterfly Belly Dance” set the stage, infusing the venue with an upbeat ambiance. Following this, the two hosts took the stage and extending a warm welcome to the assembled guests on behalf of the organizer SureX. In their opening remarks, they offered a succinct retrospective of SureX’s development journey and cast an insightful gaze upon the prospects of the future market.


In the keynote address, “Unveiling the Path to Success, Charting the Journey to the Future,” Dato’ Seri Willie, SureX Exchange CMO, provided an in-depth explanation of how the exchange successfully activated over one hundred thousand global users within a mere six-month span. He also displayed a distribution map of SureX global operational offices and outlined the structure of the user community. Offering a detailed analysis of the team’s developmental direction, he approached the subject from both market operational and consumer perspectives.


Moreover, Dato’ Seri Willie announced that SureX has registered a company in Hong Kong and will hold an inauguration ceremony there on August 1st to celebrate the expansion of SureX’s new territory and further propel SureX’s development and influence on a global scale.


Professor Huang Lianjin, the Renowned blockchain expert, introduced the compositional roles within the Web3 ecosystem and the future development trends of Web3 on the topic of “Blockchain and Web3 Development Trends and Commercial Logic,” . He pinpointed the centralization of data in Web2 as a critical issue leading to security problems and privacy breaches. Web3, he argued, offers a solution to these challenges, enabling decentralization through blockchain. This allows users to exercise enhanced control over their data, potentially serving as a key in the transformation of traditional business models within the digital economy.


Mr. Declan Rhys Sidey, Business Supervisor of One Alpha, took the stage to impart insights with his presentation titled “Perceiving the Path to Wealth through the Evolutionary History of Public Chains.” He summarized the evolutionary history of public chains, positing that they will develop in two distinct directions: general-purpose public chains to cater to the “broad user” demand, and specialized public chains to satisfy the requirements of “vertical users.”


Following the dance performance, key figures from SureX, including Group CEO and Founder Mr. Jacky, Global Marketing Director Dato’ Seri Willie, GateFi Wallet Technical Director Mr. Morgan, Global Operations Director Dato Grace Kong, Overseas Senior Market Consultant Mr. Puvan, Global Senior HR Director Mr. Dannie, and Chief Creative Director Mr. Peter, took to the stage. Together, they placed their hands on the launcher and pressed the ignition key, initiating the ceremonial launch of the GateFi Wallet.


This ceremony symbolized the close collaboration and shared objectives between SureX and GateFi. Through the launch, they lent collective strength to the development of the GateFi Wallet, exhibiting unity and collaboration, and extended blessings for the future growth of the GateFi ecosystem. The moment also bore witness to their steadfast belief in and commitment to blockchain and financial innovation.


As the conference transitioned into its second half, Morgan Lee, GateFi Digital Wallet’s Technical Director, took to the stage to provide a comprehensive explanation of the working principles and value support of the GateFi Digital Wallet. He posited that, as an entry point to Web3, the wallet plays a vital role in the entire industry’s ecosystem, and past data suggests that it also represents a field with immense potential for growth.


In his speech, Morgan Lee explained that GateFi is a strategic partner of SureX, aiming to create a digital asset custodian platform truly belonging to its users. As an aggregated digital wallet developed based on LayerZero underlying technology, it allows cross-chain contract calls containing valid payloads, providing solutions for liquidity bottlenecks and excessively high cross-chain barriers within the Web3.0 space in a smoother, more efficient, and cost-effective manner.


A raffle led by GateFi Wallet’s Technical Director Morgan Lee ignited a fervent atmosphere at the venue. As the numbers of the lucky winners were announced, the crowd erupted in cheers, with each recipient brimming with joy and excitement. This raffle added even more enthusiasm and pleasure to the event, heightening the overall mood.


With the introduction by the host, the summit’s roundtable discussion was officially commenced, the first topic being, “In the current state of Web3’s development, how does one identify investment opportunities?” Participants in this intriguing conversation included Dr. Huang Lianjin, CEO of DistributedApps.ai, One Alpha’s Business Supervisor Mr. Declan Rhys Sidey, SureX CEO and Founder Jacky Zhou, SureX Marketing Director Dato’ Seri Willie, and GateFi’s Technical Director Mr. Morgan.


Mr. Jacky presented a series of views, emphasizing the need to focus on market trends and community feedback, as well as assess technological advantages and application potentials. Mr. Morgan underscored the centrality of Web3.0’s user-driven logic and fundamental infrastructure. Professor Huang Lianjin pointed out that the era of Web3.0 is not just about blockchain or the metaverse, but represents an entirely new paradigm. Declan Rhys Sidey stressed the necessity of fully understanding the market and investment spheres, and of seeking decentralized projects that empower users to regain control. Dato’ Seri Willie contributed perspectives on brand building, DAO organizations, and Web3 risk investment strategies.


Following the initial discussions, the moderator introduced the second topic, “Imagining the Future of Web3.” Mr. Jacky, the CEO and founder of SureX noted that decentralized exchanges would emerge as a trend, with Web3.0’s decentralized and cross-chain features offering convenience and security for cross-border transactions and trades among multiple tokens. Mr. Morgan, the Technical Director of Gatefi, highlighted that Web3.0 would usher in a more decentralized new paradigm, safeguarding user privacy and data integrity. Dato’Seri Willie, Global Marketing Director of SureX, expressed belief that the era of Web3.0 would afford brands greater innovation opportunities and possibilities, realizing competitive advantage and growth in market share. Declan Rhys Sidey, the Business Head of One Alpha, pointed out that the development of Web3.0 would play a crucial role in fields like digital currency, smart contracts, and decentralized finance, fostering widespread adoption of blockchain and digital assets. Dr. Huang Lianjin, the CEO of DistributedApps.ai, saw in Web3.0 a vast potential for integration, a possibility to combine with technologies such as artificial intelligence and carbon credits, thus forming a more secure and reliable application model.


Subsequently, Mr. Jacky accentuated the significance of decentralized finance and digital assets in his address. He revealed that SureX Exchange would orchestrate an encrypted financial ecosystem to propel inclusive financial growth, encompassing a digital economic structure complete with a digital currency trading platform, digital wallets, DEX, Defi, and various other application scenarios. By synergizing online products with an offline brand, the road to development is paved for SureX Exchange. The team’s ambition is to ascend to the ranks of the top ten global exchanges, achieving a bounteous harvest in market value and influence through their ecological token ST. He also introduced the BeatX DAO initiative, aiming for the decentralization of the platform and ecosystem and the realization of shared interests through DAO. The ultimate objective of the SureX market team is to recruit five co-founders, thirty decision-making committee members, and two hundred strategy committee members.


During the community-sharing segment, representative guests from various SureX communities shared their insights and commitments. Tony Hoang, representing the SureX community in Vietnam, elucidated why he chose to invest in SureX and conveyed his trust and support for its future. From the SureX community in the Philippines, Napoleon Visperas expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be involved and articulated her expectations and support for future growth. Naser Madina, hailing from the SureX community in Africa, confidently envisioned the community’s development prospects in the Arab region, affirming a resolute determination to actively participate. The reflections of these community representatives richly illustrated the cohesiveness within the SureX community and their unanimous trust and anticipation for future growth and development.


Dato’Seri Willie, the CMO of SureX Exchange, excitedly announced a new benefit policy at the event, eliciting considerable enthusiasm from all community members. According to this initiative, SureX will collaborate with a global community of several hundred thousand people to jointly issue a meme coin called Dragon Token, which will be airdropped to all users within the SureX community. This move was met with an enthusiastic response from the attendees, all of whom expressed anticipation for this new benefit. It also fostered deeper interaction and collaboration between community users and SureX Exchange, further cultivating unity and cohesiveness within the community.


About SureX.


SureX Derivatives Exchange is a globally leading cryptocurrency copy-trading platform. Founded by a team of seasoned financial technology professionals from Singapore and China, its derivatives trading services have now expanded to encompass more than 50 countries and regions worldwide.


Adhering to a philosophy of lawful and compliant operations, SureX not only holds MSB licenses in the United States and Canada, but has also established its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Hong Kong. Moving forward, it will proactively embrace local compliance, aligning closely with local policies to position the platform within global regulatory frameworks. Aiming to build a friendly, low-barrier cryptocurrency trading ecosystem, SureX relies on a distributed community governance operation model. It orbits around the development strategy of “maximizing returns for investors,” constructing a global digital ecosystem that spans multiple countries and regions, and offering diversified digital asset financial services to users worldwide.


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