I’m Proud of the Incredible Woman You Are – Mo Abudu Celebrates Daughter’s 34th Birthday


Media mogul and owner of Ebony Life Studios Mo Abudu has penned a sweet note on her Instagram page to celebrate her daughter’s 34th birthday anniversary.


This is coming after she finished celebrating her 60th birthday.


In her post, Mo Abudu wrote:


Good morning beautiful people Thank you all so much for your all the love and best wishes that you have all shown me. I am so grateful

Mo Abudu celebrates her daughters 34th birthday anniversary.

Today is another special day. My baby girl

Temidayo is 34 years old todayHappy birthday, @ted_abudu, my beloved daughter!

Thirty four years ago, the day after my birthday on the 12th of September 1990 you entered the world, bringing with you a love and joy that has filled my life ever since.

It’s a testament to the beautiful circle of life that you were born at this time. My greatest gift.


I’m so proud of the incredible woman you are. You’re a daughter, sister, mother, wife,

creative, producer, writer, and director, all

rolled into one.

You wear these many hats with such grace and ease, inspiring those around May the good Lord continue to shower you with His love, favor, and blessings.

May your path be filled with joy, peace, and endless opportunities. I love you more than words can say, Temidee. Happy birthday!”


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