Anita Joseph
Anita Joseph, attracts loads of attention whenever she steps out. Her endowments in addition to her fame often make fans go overboard.
But according to the s*xy actress, there’s more to her than her ‘killer’ curves. Here, she opens up on her career, relationship, challenges, and other issues of life. It’s an interesting read.
What are you currently working on?
At the moment, I am trying to package my youth empowerment skills programme, where the Nigerian youth will be empowered to fend for themselves; because the unemployment rate is on the increase, and with all the graduates in Nigeria, there are no jobs for them. So, my empowerment scheme will help the youth identify which skills they can equip themselves with and make them self-reliant.
That do you think is the role of art in society?
Art should inspire, entertain, beautify and motivate.
How many times have you fallen in love after seeing a movie?
When I was much younger, every time I watched Denzel Washington, I was always crushing on him.
What quality earned you your first movie role?
The s*xy part of me that got me my (first) big break, let’s see, I would say my legs. The role was for a tall, dark and beautiful young girl, and that suited me well at the time. However, my big break was the movie, Tears in My Heart.
What s*xy endowments do you flaunt to prove you are attractive?
I don’t flaunt any endowment. It’s not that I don’t appreciate my natural gifts from God, but I am just me; no need to flaunt anything.
If there were big prizes to do porn movies, would you accept?
I don’t do porn and I shy away from any movie that shows too much, and as you can see, I don’t act such roles.
What is your take on baby mama and single motherhood that have become the trend in Nollywood?
A woman has her life to live, and if at ripe age she decides to have a baby, that’s her choice. It is not just in the movie industry, but it’s also everywhere. Go to the US and some parts of Africa, especially South Africa, it is common.
Do you agree with the stereotype that female stars hardly stay married or in committed relationships?
Civilisation has its disadvantages and this is one of them. As women work, they have become independent and will not take any form of abuse from a man. It used to be that every mum had a business or was just a stay-at-home mum taking care of the kids; but now the status quo has changed. Women now work and can make the decision to leave if they are not being treated right, not minding where the upkeep is coming from, as they can provide for themselves and their children.
Would you then say it is the fear of becoming old maids, without a man to call their own that compelled some actresses to opt for single motherhood?
I won’t really be able to assume and generalise on this one, but I know it is a matter of choice. In all we do, we should choose the right thing and be happy. If having a baby makes them happy, that’s all good. Our career is hectic and busy, so sometimes one forgets the priorities. It is always good to remember that and create a balance.
Or is it that actresses don’t get it right when it comes to marriage?
No, it is not that actresses don’t get it right in marriage. Marriage is between two people, and if it breaks up, it is not the fault of the woman alone. It takes two to tango.
What are your no-go areas when it comes to relationships; can you forgive a cheating husband?
To me, a man that cheats is saying, ‘I prefer someone else’ so what is the point? I will forgive but forgiveness is not reconciliation. If he is not satisfied with me, Anita, then he belongs to someone else.
Is it an option to leave a marriage that is not working?
It is not a spur of the moment thing. It happens like that because of our job. Being busy while in a relationship, you think you know the person, but he turns out to be someone who you don’t recognise, and you run for cover. It is a natural phenomenon. But I would advise couples to look before leaping.
Then they should work to sustain their marriage. Yes, divorce is an easier option. Marriage is work, I won’t judge because being with someone who is not worth it or who is abusive is just not marriage. Marriage should be sweet and enjoyable with trust and partnership in mind. If you are not working towards a mutual goal, what is the point of it all?
What is your take on abortion; is it right or wrong?
Abortion is a no-no for me. It is killing. The baby did not ask to be conceived. ‘Say no to abortion’ is a campaign so close to my heart. A baby is a gift. If you made the choice not to use protection then there might just be a baby, so you need to take responsibility for your actions and give that baby a life.
That baby has no voice and cannot make choices, but if you have the power and kill the baby, it is just not right in front of God and man. It is desecration and ungodly. It is shedding of innocent blood and I advocate against it. Abortion causes infertility, death and trauma, and it is illegal. It’s that simple. So, a woman should choose one: close your legs, use protection or take responsibility.
In the case of a r*ped woman, would you advise her to keep the baby or abort it?
R*pe causes trauma and it’s an abuse of rights, so for a woman who gets pregnant in the process, I will not be able to advise. He who wears the shoe knows where it pinches.
S*x dolls and toys have flooded the country; do you think it’s a sin and advise people to keep away from it? Do you have any?
S*x dolls! Choices and adulthood are beyond me. Advise what? What’s my business?
How do you handle men that make advances at you?
Men with their eyes and advances… but I know how to handle myself any time, any day. A lot of men just take things for granted, but I let them know that there is more to me than my curves. I am not just a pretty face. With the advancement of social media, anyone can post anything on Instagram but I have my team that handles all the excess baggage.
What is the craziest thing a fan has done to you?
I met a Nigerian fan of mine in New York. He walked up to me and knelt down before me. I was shocked! Everyone thought he was my boyfriend and he wanted to propose. You know oyibo people, but he said, ‘Anita, if you no give me your number, I go die. Today is my lucky day’. It was crazy, very crazy.
Source: Daily Sun