Drama As Bride Catches Groom Pants Down With Two Bridesmaids On Their Wedding Day (Video)

After being apprehended, the husband fled the automobile, attempting to explain things to his bride, but she refused to listen to him or anybody else.


A video has captured the moment a bride caught her husband-to-be pants down with two of her bridesmaids on their wedding day.

The bride spotted them making out in a car. After being apprehended, the husband fled the automobile, attempting to explain things to his bride, but she refused to listen to him or anybody else.

Friends of the groom tried to calm her down, but their attempts were unsuccessful.

She cancelled the wedding and returned home with tears in her eyes.

See Video Below;

See reactions to the video below;

@TT4tt3: “That friend giving her water is really concerned for her 😓😥 it’s good that she had someone like that in such a moment.”.

@Dondeelo: “Dude literally has a red flag on his head 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭”.

@Fortune299: “Nahh this is no more self-control, this is an abomination. Poor girl hope she moved on better🙏🏽🙏🏽😢”.

@Fatalcharm: “This a blessing home girl dodged a bullet”.

@Screammage: “From a wedding to a funeral real quick. Perchance.”.



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