Wunmi, the widow of late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba aka Mohbad has expressed displeasure after the pathologist investigating the singer’s death told the coroner’s inquest that the cause of death could not be ascertained.
Mohbad died under controversial circumstances on September 12, 2023. He was buried the following day but after Nigerians demanded justice, his body was exhumed on September 21 for an autopsy to determine the cause of his death.
On Wednesday, May 15, at a coroner’s inquest, the pathologist stated that the cause of death of the 27-year-old singer could not be ascertained as his body had already decomposed when the test was carried out.
At the sitting, a witness also informed the court of the issues the singer had with Wunmi and Sam Larry.
Subsequently, Wunmi who shares a son with Mohbad went on her Instastories to post a blank dark page, indicating her grief.
She also shared a photo of Mohbad and wrote: “Ilerioluwa masun (do not sleep)”