HomeLatest NewsLady Replies Igbo Man Who Advised Igbo Men Not To Marry A...

Lady Replies Igbo Man Who Advised Igbo Men Not To Marry A Woman Who Doesn’t Know How To Cook Indigenous Meals


An Igbo lady has taken to Twitter to respond to an Igbo man who warned his fellow men never to get married to any lady who does not know how to cook Igbo local dishes.

The man had tweeted;

“Dear igbo men,

Never you marry a woman who doesn’t know how to cook our Igbo local dishes.

 Remember that your daughter will learn from the mother not from the father when it comes to cooking.

It’s quite unfortunate that millions of igbo women cannot cook a proper Igbo local dishes “ soup” like

•Ofe Onugbu – onugbu soup.

•Ofe oha – Oha Soup.

•Ofe Achara- Achara Soup.

•Ofe Okwuru – Okra Soup.

•Ofe Ogbono – Ogbono Soup.

•Ofe Okazi – Okazi Soup.

•Ofe Akwu – Ofe Akwụ soup.

 •Ofe Egwusi – Egusi Soup.

 Etc…. They’re always angry and jealous when a foreigner takes over their men, cook for them and appreciate them for loving them tirelessly and continuously! Wokeness and wrong understanding of feminism has taken over many Igbo women.

 Wokeness is a mental illness that needs to be treated!.“

Responding, the Igbo woman wrote;

“Dear Igbo ladies,

Never you marry an Igboman that cannot tap palmwine.

Remember how important palmwine is to the Igbo culture.

Your kids deserve a father that is well knowledgeable on Igbo culture, not a “CITY BOY”.

Tap palmwine…. No

Hunt antelope….. No

Weave basket…….. No

Roof our thatch kitchen….No

 We deserve better.

I can take online classes on how to cook, but Okonkwo doesn’t hold online classes on Palmwine tapping techniques.“

Her response warmed the hearts of many as they wondered why cooking native delicacies would make a woman a good wife.

See the exchange below;





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