Simi Shares Why Male Artists Are Privileged Than Female Artists When Performing

Songstress Simi has shared why she believes male artists are more privileged than female artists especially when it comes to performance as they can do anything on stage.

As a woman, you can’t do certain things on stage when performing but men can easily do that and move on without being criticized and Simi sharing that believes that’s the reason her male colleagues are more privileged than them the ladies.

According to Simi, men will be on stage singing without heels and makeups and when they start sweating small like this, they take off their shirts without even thinking about it, now if that’s not a privileged, then what is it.

To Simi, the men are privileged when it comes to performances because they don’t wear heels to worry about injuring their legs nor have makeup on to think about not sweating too much to ruine it as they can do anything they want on stage.

See screenshot below;

Simi Shares Why Male Artists Are Privileged Than Female Artists When Performing


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